Someone once said there’s no such thing as coincidence and that everything happens for a reason. Then, there must have been a reason for me to be gifted my first digital camera back in 2004. Even though I loved being in front of a camera as a child, it never came across my mind that one day l’ll have a chance of taking other people’s photos as a profession.
My love of photography gave me a different point of view. In the beginning, mostly landscapes and still images, and later people and moments of their lives. At a point in time, have realized wedding photography is what fulfills me the most and where I find myself truly committed (to the craft).
My motto is: A fraction of time might not be worth much in that second, but it will be a moment that is priceless.
That’s exactly what motivates me to create a unique and sincere story that will treasure a memory of one of the most important moments of your life. It will be a love story that celebrates you as individuals, as a couple and as members of a union made of love.